Vattenfall Responsibility Initiative
We hijacked Vattenfalls Public Relations department for a day and made them say that they would take responsibility as a company. Not only the press and German parliamentarians took it very positively, we also gave a press conference in the company's name at their German Headquarters in Berlin.
Vattenfall is a state-owned Swedish energy company that is leading in Germanys fossil based energy production. It destroys the forests and rivers in northern Germanys region Lusatia, and they are a top player in forced resettlement of whole villages that destroys not only the nature but families and social livelihoods.
In 2015, the green party’s election campaign promised to sell their coal power infrastructure in Germany as it was to polluting and anti-social for the good Swedish state. And alas, they got elected. Looking into the details of this idea, we all quickly noticed that it was way less responsible to sell the company’s infrastructure to the next best investor then to actually restructure it. The past 15 years of the company’s involvement in Lusatia made the company not only gain massive profits but the responsibility to clean the dirt and destruction they produced. On top of this, a potential investor will most probably not do this.
100% Future
So now the whole press was looking at the companies decision. Will they sell? Will they stay? On 27th of April, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) was taking place where such major decisions would be annouced. On 24th, we took the chance and entered into the Headquaters and pronouce the good news as shown in this video.
At the same time, some unknown anonymous group released a website with the exact same corporate design as Vattenfall where they pronouced exactly the good things we could then tell at the press conference. What a great help we got there! Thanks to you, great people uploading this website!