Astro TV Hack
In February 2015 we smashed an egg on the head of the moderator in a live show of an esoteric TV channel. We did it to cleanse his karma. And to take a stand against the channel.
We placed an egg onto the moderators head during a live broadcast of an esoterical shopping show. He was holding a rubber chicken in his left, another egg in his right hand, holding his head carefully down as we promised to give him a live karma-rebirth and cleaning off all his evil energies. And so we did: it made click above his head and the soupy egg fused with his crown chakra.
We have to admit, the esoteric show was quite trashy itself, making it a great challenge to create a moment that tops its absurdity. AstroTV is a show, no kidding, where they are selling “Aura-spray” that was filled in presence of almighty god herself and therefore costs 90 Euros. And with all their superpowers, how could we make sure they would not discover us?! So we decided to camouflage as very very bad clown, a challenging task to train for.
And it worked! Our agent came to their film studio, performed some esoteric bullshit bingo, did very bad magic tricks and finished with the egg-on-head-trick by shouting into the live-camera: AstroTV should be deprived from their broadcasting license as this is all fraud.
Which is true. As expanding company in Europe, its mothercompany Adviqo AG, funded by venture capital from Wellington Partners is designed to sell people hope against money. Their basic tone is always that we all suffer as we are human, but that we should just care for each other. And that, by the way, you can call an operator who will consult you by talking to angels. You can find the basic infos why they are so miraculously bad on the website www.astrotv.rip
A textbook example of Streisand effect
For us, the most interesting part was the technical one. It was a training piece for the Streisand effect. First, we launched the video. We informed the press, especially those who already once wrote about AstroTV before our performance. After the first articles were published and the video went viral, Adviqo´s lawyers sent the first warning letter, asking us to take down the video from YouTube. This letter was a present: you publish it slice by slice, mocking their mistakes and bad wordings and laugh in their faces. The audience loves that! But you need more food for second wave of stress coverage. So we called the TV channel and asked for their spiritual consultation – “because someone wants to take down our lovely video from YouTube!”. This gave enough for all newspapers to continue their story about us and another 20 articles were published.
Funnily enough, Anonymous Germany decided to support us and spread the video virally throughout the internet. It was taken down by Youtube, Vimeo and Facebook, but is still on about 30 other platforms.
We never would have thought how many desparate emails reached us from former colleagues of AstroTV, telling about their frustration and ugly details from within the company. The deeper you dig, the more shady information is coming onto the surface. It’s creepy, how people decide to make money, that’s for sure. Even if they are connected to the universe.